In the late 19th century, a method was discovered how to suspend silver particles in water, thus colloidal silver was born! This was considered to be hi-tech medicine at the time with many, many wonderful applications, and was in wide-spread use until the 1930’s when the petroleum-based pharmaceuticals took over. Additionally, silver, being a precious metal, was very expensive to most back then (not to mention the supporting technologies weren’t all that great). These days pharmaceutical products are very expensive – and they are basically toxins that “happen to have some beneficial side-effects” to go along with their many detrimental side effects . On the other hand the body develops no tolerance and one cannot overdose on CS. Colloidal Silver cannot cause harm to the liver, kidneys or any other organ in the body.

Electrolytically isolated silver” (EIS) is what is commonly called colloidal silver, but it is actually a combination of ionic silver and colloidal silver. It is typically about 90% ionic and 10% colloidal by weight, but can vary between 5% and 20% colloidal. A colloid is a mixture of solid particles and a liquid. Ionic Silver is a silver compound that dissociates when in water to form silver ions – either an Ag+ or Ag2+ cation and an anion.

As you may know, the wide-spread use of synthetic antibiotics poses several problems. First, the fact is that bacteria can build up a resistance to them over time and they will no longer be effective, hence the rise of “superbugs” like MRSA. Silver was the most common medicine before antibiotics were invented. The overuse of antibiotics over the years has made problems worse. Then there’s the fact that some antibiotics kill only some kinds of bacteria, not all. And antibiotics do nothing against viruses or fungi. Silver kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi within 6 minutes. No one-celled organisms can live in the presence of silver. Yet anything larger than a one-celled organism LOVES silver!

Researchers such as Bob Beck have reported that silver in a colloidal state eliminates virtually all known pathogens, viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and yeasts. Yet, it appears that there is no effect on the good bacteria in the intestinal tract (which we get from eating fermented foods like raw sauerkraut, kimchi, raw kefir, raw yogurt, beet kvass, truly fermented pickles, etc. – these foods are important immune-system boosters in their own right), because it does not attack good bacteria. The effects of colloidal silver vary depending on the size and shape of the particles of silver, as well as their concentration in a solution.

Amazingly, ionic silver has the proven ability to cause DNA to dedifferentiate or revert to stem cells (See “The Body Electric” by Dr. Robert O. Becker – not to be confused with the Bob Beck mentioned above). Normally, once DNA has expressed certain genes it cannot return, so once a cell is skin, or a blood cell, it cannot morph to another cell type. Now, if you apply silver ions to a burn or an injury, the blood cells can convert to the necessary skin, nerve and other cell types as needed. Without it, they can only form scar tissue. So using an EIS that has ionic content promotes healing without scarring.

There are a number of reasons why silver seems to have much more effectiveness than normal antibiotics:

1. Silver particles are an oxidizing catalyst, and as such oxidize bacteria, killing them.

2. Silver interferes with the microbe’s respiration.

3. Silver shorts out the electrostatic fields in the cell.

The possibilities for disabling viruses are:

1. Silver particles are an oxidizing catalyst and oxidize the virus, killing it.

2. Silver causes the virus’ DNA or RNA to revert to being undifferentiated, and without the proper expression for that host is disabled.

3. Silver repairs the broken (segment of) DNA of a virus, making it complete, but no longer a functional virus which by design has an incomplete DNA.