History of Silver in Medicine

Silver is an ancient all-purpose remedy, and in its various forms has had a long history of reported therapeutic value as an effective antimicrobial agent, even at low concentrations. The reason the upper class did not succumb to many of the middle-age plagues which almost wiped out many villages was because they ate with silver utensils, off silver plates and drank from silver goblets. Churches did, and still do, use cups made of silver for communion, where one goblet is passed from person to person. People used to put silver dollars in their milk and wells to ward off spoilage and illness. The pioneers who traveled west would put silver coins in their water barrels to keep the water from spoiling. After a few days, the silver levels in the liquid would get up to around 2 to 3 ppm, and that was enough to have an antimicrobial effect. In fact, all precious metals have these antimicrobial properties. That is probably why they were precious in the first place, although gold is very expensive and excess copper can be toxic – Silver is by far the least toxic metal, and the most conductive.

Keep in mind that despite the long history of silver in medicine, and even though there have been lots and lots of tests and experiments done that show the efficacy of CS including one that proved over 650 different microbes cannot live for more than 6 minutes in the presence of silver (and many technical white papers online), by US regulatory standards the success of all of these applications can STILL only be called “anecdotal evidence” due to suppression by Big Pharma greed and their government helpers. So much for “following the science”. Well, you can go try out this so-called ‘anecdotal evidence’ yourself and see if silver works for you. Since silver is natural, it cannot be patented. Big Pharma hates it and does not want you to know about it!